
Ellie & Lottie - Birth Story

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I wish I had known about hypno birthing with my first child as with my second as it was much more relaxed this time.
I went into labour at 40 weeks and 6 days naturally at home, I breathed through the early stages with the lights dim and my favourite program on until I was ready to go to Derriford hospital. My Midwife’s were amazing and knew I was hypno birthing and did everything I asked of them and let me lead everything, labour was about 2 hours 30 all together. I stayed calm as it got more intense with just gas and air, had music and lights around me that I enjoyed/liked which helped me feel even more comfortable and focused right up until she was born.
We had skin to skin straight away, it was amazing, I could tell how relaxed and happy she felt with me, her dad also had skin to skin which was just as lovely ????
I felt completely in control throughout labour and she was born so relaxed and is such a content baby.
It was also lovely to have my husband involved with it too and he knew exactly what he was doing during birth and after, soothing strokes were a massive help in the start of labour.
I enjoyed every moment and felt so proud and over joyed!

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